Motivation Thoughts

Motivating YOU to get things done!

Self-Care Methods for Introverts That Really Work




Self-care practices for introverts may vary widely depending on the person, but taking steps to make your mind and body healthier is always a good thing. For those who have social anxiety or just have a hard time expressing their needs, finding self-care methods that work can be frustrating; however, there are several uncomplicated things you can try to get your physical and mental health on track, such as giving your living space a deep-clean or starting a fun new workout routine at home.

Here are a few tips for seniors needing to downsize from Keep the Fire Lit regarding changes you can make to your environment and lifestyle that will help you feel better. These tips can help anyone needing to downsize.

Banish Negative Energy

Your home should be a relaxing place to rest and recharge, and if it’s full of clutter or isn’t as clean as you’d like, it might be difficult to focus on your health when you spend time there. Clear out that bad energy by giving your home a good deep clean, opening the windows to let in fresh air and light, adding beneficial greenery, and decluttering each room. Getting rid of items you no longer need can help you get organized and free up some space, which in turn can help reduce stress and anxiety so you can relax when you’re home.

Prevent Isolation

Cleaning and decluttering are especially important if you spend a lot of time at home, as many introverts do. If you also work from home, however, the state of your environment is only one aspect of boosting your mental health; you also need to consider how often you’re alone.

Social isolation can lead to depression and can exacerbate certain disorders and addictions, so it’s crucial to take steps to stay connected. You might set up a video chat with friends or family, take your laptop to a coffee shop to work for a bit, or arrange for a lunch date with someone you haven’t seen in a while. These activities can be challenging for introverts, but it’s important to push yourself out of your comfort zone a little sometimes.

Find Your Dream Job

Whether you work from home or in an office, your job can have a major effect on your mental health. If your current situation isn’t allowing you to focus on your needs and you’re ready to look for something better, don’t put limits on yourself. Think about what your dream job entails and go after it!

Prepare for the interview by doing some research on the companies you’re interested in, as this will help the process go smoothly and prevent anxiety on your part. You can also ask a friend to help with a mock interview so you can practice your answers. If you haven’t updated your resume in a while, you may be dreading the process, but with a free online resume builder, you can use a template that allows you to customize a professional-looking final product with your own copy.

What if your dream job requires a degree or certification you don’t yet have? No problem! Many universities now offer programs entirely online, which allows you to release some of that anxiety about sitting in a classroom with a bunch of strangers. An undergraduate degree in Information Technology can open a lot of doors since we rely so heavily on computers and smartphones.

Pick Up a Hobby

How do you spend your free time? Once your living environment and job are where you’d like them to be, think about how you can bring some joy into your downtime. Picking up a new hobby can help you boost your confidence and self-esteem, meet new people, and build new skills. You might learn how to speak a different language, take a music class or tutorial, or get creative with a drawing app that’s easy for beginners to use. There are tons of hobbies to choose from, so don’t be afraid to try a few and see which one you like best.

Caring for your physical and mental health can be a challenge even on a good day when you’re an introvert, so try and be patient with yourself as you make changes to your lifestyle. Use online resources when you feel you need a little help, and stay in contact with friends and loved ones for support. Take advantage of other online opportunities, like working from home and online degree programs to reach your goals.

Do you struggle with motivation? You are not alone. Keep the Fire Lit is all about staying motivated even when things are tough. Visit us online today to read inspiring articles to keep your motivation high. This particular article is about journaling, which may well suit many introverts.

Photo via Pexels

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