Motivation Thoughts

Motivating YOU to get things done!

Goal Setting Create Achieve Worksmart


We nearly all want to change ourselves, usually by trying to develop better habits, like tidying after ourselves, writing more, eating less, etc. It is not always easy. Changing those habits can be hard, it moves us out of our comfort zone to somewhere we can feel VERY uncomfortable. But there are creative ways to help yourself stick to your chosen goals to make them part of your life.


One way to help stay focused on your goal is to anticipate what MIGHT happen. Look forward and work out what might derail your progress. We often plan for change but we never actually try and see what actually might interrupt out plans. If you think about these, you may be able to include them in your plan in a way that helps you stick to your goals.

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Why is it that some people consistently seem to get more done than others? The answer is that they know how to set specific, achievable goals for themselves…and then follow through on them. This rev…Read more…

Keep to the Path

Stick to your chosen path or if necessary find a new suitable path if an obstacle appears. Obstacles can derail you from your chosen path but if you keep your path in mind or find another suitable one if that is blocked can mean you keep your eye on the game and focus on what you want to achieve.


Learn from any setbacks instead of giving up on the goal. If you fall, get up and carry on, you do not need to stop because of one fall or even several. Ask yourself what made you fall? What lessons can you learn? And how do you stop that type of fall in future?


Keeping focus when the going gets tough is what actually makes moving towards the goal worthwhile. By the time you achieve your goal, you will have grown as a person.

Getting Organized: Improving Focus, Organization and Productivity

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Goal Setting Forms : Tools to Help You Get Ready, Get Set, & Go for Your Goals!

Because our goal is to help you achieve yours, The GoalsGuy offers replacement tools that support your efforts to achieve an extraordinary life. Included in this package is: Top 5 and Top 10 Goals For…


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What Are Your Goals: Powerful Questions to Discover What You Want Out of Life

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