Motivation Thoughts

Motivating YOU to get things done!

Goal Setting Achieve Personal Productivity

Personal Productivity

Being productive has been a big issue for many people who need to improve their daily performance. However, with proper planning you will always know what to do whenever you need to improve your performance. Here is an expert guide on how to plan your day for productivity:

Have a personal system

For you to be productive during the day, you must have a personal system that works well for you whenever you need to improve your personal performance. How do you create a personal system? You should know your strengths and weaknesses when planning your day especially when you need to get more out of it in the best way possible.

When you plan your day well, you will be in a position to work effectively and arrange any given tasks throughout the day. Breaking up your day into time slots will allow you to segment your tasks throughout the day and separate them. This is an effective tactic that will allow your brain to switch off between tasks, meaning you can focus more on each job.

Focus on what to do to eliminate distractions

When you need to improve personal performance and activity during the day, you must eliminate distractions as one way of ensuring that you stay active for the whole day. Through this process, you can ensure that you are constantly on task and putting maximum effort into the task. You should never worry about distractions when you need to have the best performance during the day. For instance, you should avoid checking your emails when you do not need to do so and discourage interruptions as much as possible. As one cartoonist put it when asked if he could spare one minute to talk, “I can spare the one minute but not the 15 it will then take me to get back into the flow of my work!”

Manage your mood

Research has shown that many people often fail to succeed because of their inability to manage their moods during the day. You have to ensure that you become positive whenever you need to manage your mood in an amazing way. When you stay positive, you will always be able to do more things that ultimately lead to success at the end of the day. Don’t allow others to affect your mood, if at all possible. For instance, if someone pushes their way in front of you in a queue of cars during your morning commute, you need to forget about that once in work, otherwise you are allowing someone else to determine your mood.

Focus on quality work during the day

When you need to plan your day and become more productive, you must focus on quality work. Everything that you do should be of a higher standard.

In conclusion, the above information should help you understand on how to plan your day and become more productive.

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Easy Goal Setting Methods that Produce Effective Results. Finding this books is not just luck. It’s your destiny to read this book and put its ideas into action to create the life you want. You …Read more…

Achieve Any Goal Realizing Dreams

Self Esteem

Self esteem describes how we feel about ourselves. Often our self esteem or sense of self worth is based on our perception of our abilities and how we believe other people accept and value us as individuals. We can automatically find ourselves accepting those beliefs and then they feel like ‘reality’ to us.

Goal Setting

To be successful in goal setting you need to do more than just plan and write down your goals. You need to change your mind set and challenge some of the biggest fears that you have, and equally as importantly, develop your own self-belief or self esteem. Goal setting can help you achieve success and happiness in your life. Remember, success in life is determined by your self-concept. You should therefore do everything in your power to improve your positive feelings about yourself while holding on to your humility.


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In Achieve Any Goal, best-selling author Brian Tracy shows that the path from frustration to fulfillment has already been discovered in a simple, powerful and effective 12-step system. Makes a great g…Read more…

Create a Life You Can’t Wait to Live: Ignite Your Passion and Purpose

Create a Life You Can’t Wait to Live by Zig Ziglar was written to inspire passion in your life. Zig was an iconic figure of motivation and inspiration. He believed that passion plays a significant rol…


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Goals!: How to Get Everything You Want — Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible

NEW EDITION, REVISED AND UPDATED Why do some people achieve all their goals while others simply dream of having a better life? Bestselling author Brian Tracy shows that the path from frustration to f…


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Ice Breakers! How To Get Any Prospect To Beg You For A Presentation

Want to get your MLM and network marketing prospects to beg you for a presentation by using Ice Breakers? You can turn any warm or cold prospect into a hot prospect, wanting to know all about your bus…


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How Set Goals Achieve Them

Change and grow

Change is something a lot of people strive to achieve. However change is very hard. Everyone wants to change and develop habits that make them better people. This is not always easy since there is a certain way that people are used to living their lives and doing things. Getting away from a comfort zone is difficult and therefore, most people find themselves back to square one repeating the same things they used to do. There are creative ways to help yourself stick to your goals and actually make them a part of your new life.


One of the creative things that can make you stick to your goal is a habit of always anticipating. It is very important to look forward and figure out some of the things that have the capability of derailing your progress. This is important because often times, we plan for change but we never actually try and see some of the things that might interrupt our progress. If you think about some of the potential obstacles in your mind, it can help you incorporate them in your plan in a way that enables you to stick to your goals even when the disruptions take place.

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How to Set Goals and Achieve Them (Personal Development Book): Goal Setting, Self Esteem, Personality Psychology, Positive Thinking Today only, get this Paperback book for just $15.99. Regular price…Read more…

Achieve Your Goals Now PowerList

Keep Your Focus

Finding a suitable new path or way around when an obstacle arises is one way to stick to your goals. When faced with an obstacle, many people tend to lose their focus and slowly go back to how they were before setting the goal. This can be frustrating for most people and it can actually cause them to lose faith in themselves or to come to believe they will “never” achieve anything. It is therefore important to have a path which you intend to follow when an obstacle comes your way. Having a path planned out ahead of time always keeps your mind in the game and enables you to focus on what you want to achieve.

Learn From Setbacks

Make it a point to always learn from the setbacks you face instead of giving up on the goal. When you fall, you need to pick yourself up and keep going. You need to ask yourself what made you fall? How can you prevent the obstacle from happening again? What lessons can you learn from it? And keep moving towards the goal. Every worthy goal always has setbacks and most of the time, you will move one step forward and two steps backward. Maintaining your focus when the going gets tough is what actually makes moving towards the goal worthwhile. By the time you achieve your goal, you will have grown as a person.

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Do you never seem to reach your goals? Do you even know what you want from life? Do you feel stagnant, stuck in a rut, and ready for a change? Are you terrified of suddenly ending up old with too many…Read more…

Habit Ignition: 41 Steps to Unlocking the Secret Power of Habits and Rituals for Life Book

Do your habits have a tight grip on you… or are your habits holding you back from success? Do you feel stagnant, stuck in a rut, and ready for a change? Are you terrified of suddenly ending up old w…


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The Compound Effect

No gimmicks. No Hyperbole. No Magic Bullet. The Compound Effect is based on the principle that decisions shape your destiny. Little, everyday decisions will either take you to the life you desire or t…


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Sticky Habits Quitting Unbreakable Starting

How do you feel about yourself?

Self-belief is how you feel about yourself. Self-esteem is determined by your internal feelings and evaluation of yourself based on your “perceived” self-image. If you are constantly comparing yourself to others and feel like you don’t measure up, your self-esteem suffers. In this life, one has the ability to change whichever negative self-images he or she has acquired. Sadly, many people never ask if the negative beliefs they have picked up are true.

Learning appreciation and gratitude is a sure-fire way to make you feel good. Acknowledge all your own personal good qualities. Take some time to write down as many as you can, perhaps in a journal. Read them over and over and feel the positive energy grow in you. Be grateful for the value of what you are gifted with. Reward yourself with whatever you feel you deserve.

Success Comes From Strength

Everyone has his or her own strengths including you. Your strengths have passions because they are the ones you must develop. Examine positions where you can apply your abilities and then get trained for them. Dream more about what you desire to accomplish and set an ambition to achieve it, then take action. You can accomplish what you focus on long enough. In order to develop your self esteem, you must love who you are, while acknowledging that your personal unique qualities make a valuable contribution to humanity. Know that people who in your eyes tend to be better off also have problems as well despite what they portray to you. Start thinking more positively and circumstances around you will become more positive and this in turn will improve your self esteem.


You must grow. Universal law mandates this. While you are reading this article, stars are exploding, water is creating new lakes and streams and brand new babies are entering this wonderful world every single minute of the day! Our world continues to expand and grow and you are a part of this growth. Stay away from people that you feel criticize you and make you feel inadequate and worthless. Get closer to those who build you up and help you realize you are worthwhile.

This Is The First Step

Improving and developing your self-belief into a positive is the best first step you can take on building the new you. Understand and accept these concepts and you are on the road to building your self-belief. Positive, positive, positive is the answer. Create positive thoughts toward your unconditional worth and unconditional love.

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Do you struggle to follow through on your habits and goals without giving up after a few days or weeks? Do you worry you lack the self-discipline and motivation to stick with a new habit? Whether yo…Read more…

The 6 Most Important Decisions You’ll Ever Make: A Guide for Teens

From Sean Covey, the author of the international bestseller The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens, this bestselling follow-up book builds upon the legacy of the 7 Habits and shows teens how to make s…


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Declutter Your Mind: How to Stop Worrying, Relieve Anxiety, and Eliminate Negative Thinking

Feel overwhelmed by your thoughts? Struggling with anxiety about your daily tasks? Or do you want to stop worrying about life? The truth is…We all experience the occasional negative thought. But if …


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Motivation Thoughts Start here!

Getting wherever you want to be

Motivated to achieve a goal


Hi and welcome to the motivation thoughts blog. It is aimed at getting you to get up off your seat to do something – something that YOU WANT to do, even if your inner self is grumbling about it. Look out for posts on getting your study skills honed, for getting your exercise included in your routine, on time management, on getting your writing done, whether it’s your novel, your thesis or a school essay and how to get the house clean among other things!

So What is Motivation?

Motivation is the inner force you can develop and use to get things done that YOU want to do!

But what EXACTLY is Motivation?

Motivation is personal power and it has 3 parts to it, passion, energy and ability.


To get motivated you need to get passionate about what YOU WANT to do. You’ve felt that passion before – maybe you were determined to keep that hula hoop up longer than anyone else, or perhaps you really wanted to paint the best ever picture in your class, or kick the longest goal or have the techiest new equipment. This blog will help YOU remember what that passion was like and start you on the road to develop YOUR passion for whatever it is YOU want to do, whether it’s to get more exercise, improve your grades in school or college or university, keep your living quarters from becoming a pig sty or become a better entrepreneur.


You need two types of energy for motivation: short term energy – the kick in the seat to get

Match - short term energy to get you started

Match – short term energy to get you started

you started and stuck in; and long term energy, to keep you going when the going gets tough. This blog will help you get that energy, both short term energy to get a good start on what you want to do and that long term energy to keep your battery going! Think of the short term energy as striking a match – that sudden flare of energy that starts you off on your new project or gets you stuck back in to a project that you have left lying. The long term energy can be thought of as a reservoir, keeping a steady flow of energy for powering you through the tough times.


Now, don’t panic – this is NOT about being a star before you start. This is about making sure your dreams are actually possible. It’s great to have a dream about being able to fly. But if it involves literally growing a set of wings, that MAY not be possible. On the other hand, Orville and Wilbur Wright had that dream and they developed the aeroplane. This blog will help you work out how to achieve your dream and the best possible way of achieving it within your ability – and flying IS possible.

What Do YOU Know About Motivation?

I have been interested in motivation all my life, right from when I was in school and knew I needed to get my homework done but the television or playing outside had a much greater call on my senses. Over 40 years later, I have learned how to keep a house clean, get a degree and even get a higher research degree, lose weight and get fit. Along the way, I have learned a few tips and tricks to make work a LOT easier and I want to share those with you, if you will let me. Thank you for reading this far.

Exactly how You Can Offer Your Memory A Boost

mind map

mind map

When you picture things you may help your mind recall points and improve your memory’s capacity. For example, seeing information instead of hearing it may help you remember it at a later date.  Of course, for people who are auditory learners, the exact opposite is true – they remember sounds and the spoken word better than pictures. For visual learners, images and charts can help them remember information and study is greatly improved by using  mind maps and other mapping and graphic techniques.

Use this knowledge to improve your memory. If you are studying, take a short break, no more than 15 minutes each hour and rest your mind to improve your learning.

Keep learning even as you get older. Also keep exercising. Both these help to produce new cells and new pathways in your brain to keep it active and keep dementia at bay.  People who do puzzles and play memory games  or even video games appear to be less likely to suffer from dementia. Mental workouts resemble muscular workouts. You can enhance your memory skills and focus by exercising your brain. Great memory games are crossword puzzles, mind teasers or puzzles, and also word searches.

One of the  best ways to improve your memory is to get enough sleep. Rest is important for both short and long-term memory and if your mind is not operating at 100 %, your memory will certainly suffer. Boost your brain power and memory by getting your eight hours of rest every night.

One tip for remembering something, is to link it with something amusing, such as a funny song, expression, or psychological image. Amusing phrases, tracks, and so on have a means of remaining in your mind even when you are trying to forget them! Make use of that.

Realising that your memory is failing can be very worrying.  There is medication available but getting plenty of exercise, eating healthily and keeping your mind active can all put off that moment when you (or your carer) find you need to take medication.

Improve Your Physical Condition

Fit woman with light dumbbells

Keeping Fit

Being Fit and Healthy

Your physical condition is the state of health you get from the workouts you do and the food with which you fuel your body. Everybody wants to be as healthy as they can, so here are some great health and fitness pointers to use next time you work out at the gym or at home. Following these will also help motivate you to exercise.

Correct Form

When working out, make certain to take your time to workout correctly as well as concentrating properly (no texting!). It is better to do an exercise fewer times but do it correctly, rather than wind up hurting yourself. As you develop better form, you will be able to do more of that type of exercise or do it faster.

Set Your Goals

A goal is a great motivator to have when trying to get fit. And you can change your goals as you get fitter. After reaching one goal, set another, higher goal, so you can keep moving towards life-long fitness.


When working out, listen to your body. A little muscular tissue pain is to be expected, especially if you have started a new sort of exercise. But constant discomfort is a different matter altogether and if you experience chest pain or breathlessness, STOP and consult your doctor immediately.

Pain is your body’s way of telling you that you have done too much and that you may end up hurting yourself, possibly seriously. Listen to your body. This is not to say you should give up exercise, just to take it easy at first when starting out or returning to exercise after a break. Your motivation here is gradually to build up a good habit, NOT to kill yourself by being a weekend warrior (that is someone who does NO exercise during the week, then overdoes it at the weekend).

Buddy Power

To stay motivated with your physical fitness strategy, try working out with a friend. This can go a long way towards keeping you fully committed to your health. Joining a walking group or a gym with a friend is a great way to keep yourself going.

Keep Moving

To keep yourself moving towards a new goal, especially one that involves repetitions, or keeping moving for a particular length of time, try counting backwards. This will help you achieve more repetitions or keep going for those extra few seconds because you will know that you only have a few more reps or seconds to go. And that will help you squeeze out those last few reps or last bit of effort.

Goals and Motivation

A goal is a good motivator. Fitness is a life-time objective not just a short term one.

Study Skills

Want the Top Tips on Study Skills?

make studying easier and smarter

make studying easier and smarter

There’s a new post about creating your own study ritual and how to make learning fun and keep at it, even when the dishes are calling or even the bathroom needs to be cleaned! Click here for tips on creating a study ritual


UPDATE free report available on keeping your bathroom clean

UPDATE – Free Motivation Chart – quick Link

What is motivation?

Motivation is being able to set and achieve goals in some area of your life. Some goals can be their own rewards, for instance, getting an Olympic gold medal, however, the amount of work that is needed to achieve that kind of goal is often more than many of us are prepared to put into one area of our lives.

While most of us will never achieve an Olympic gold medal, we CAN use the same techniques to build our own motivation to achieve the goals WE want to reach. These goals may be in study, housework, exercise, diet, healthy eating or anything else but the same techniques can be used to help YOU achieve YOUR goals.

Write it Down
Whatever your goal, write it down,

get your own vision

Think it, then write it

and your reasons for doing it. Having this information written down will remind you of what you really want when you start to lose motivation. It is a great form of inspiration. Research has shown that those who write down their goal(s) and keep them near (in your wallet, posted on the wall, in a book you look at often) are more likely to achieve them. You can even create a VISION BOOK or a VISION CHART for yourself, to help you reach your goal.

Keep it Simple
If you are trying to improve some of your weaknesses, try setting some simple attainable goals first. You may start out feeling negative toward your goal and it will help you a great deal to get the motivation to keep going if you meet the goals. So get some baby steps you can focus on, instead of the big goal.

step by step

One step at a time

Break down large goals into manageable steps. Many times our goals are lofty, which is a good thing. However large goals can seem unattainable, causing you to become daunted and lose motivation. Before you start any large project or goal, break it down into smaller steps. Get as detailed as you can. Soon you will be well on your way to success.

A great tip that can help you with motivation is to not put all your eggs in one basket. If all you do is obsess about your progress, you’ll become impatient and you might lose motivation. Try focusing on many different things and not just your goal.

Help Yourself Stay Happy
Keeping a healthy diet will greatly influence the quality of your life. A diet consisting of plenty of fruits and vegetables, along with whole grains, seeds and nuts will elevate serotonin levels which aids in reducing depression and increasing motivation. Conversely, diets low in complex carbohydrates can lower your serotonin levels.

Get Help

use and give help

Working together helps everyone reach the top.

It can be difficult to succeed on your own and other people can sometimes give you motivation and advice that you can’t give yourself. So, in order to achieve your life goals, make sure you enlist the support of others but make sure they are TRUSTED others.

Take Stock
Remember that we are often unmotivated when we are doing things we feel are not worth our time. Take stock of what you spend your time on, and determine if this is truly necessary for the other parts of your life. We have a limited amount of time on this planet, so be sure to spend it wisely.

Enjoy Yourself
When you are trying to improve a new skill, start a new diet, or even a new course, it is important to try and make it something you enjoy. If you are constantly dreading the new part of your life, you will quickly lose motivation and find ways to give yourself excuses. There is no point is trying to achieve something in an area you dislike. If you enjoy it, motivation will come much more easily.

Read on
Read on for more tips and links to gaining motivation in an area YOU are interested in.

Motivation Charts

You can create a motivation chart to help you keep track of what YOU want to accomplish. By placing it somewhere that you will see it every day and by rewarding yourself for doing your tasks, you can take those important small steps to achieving YOUR goals. You can download a FREE Motivation Chart for helping you keep track of your steps to achievement [sellme pid=”7″]

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