Motivation Thoughts

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How to Start a Business as a Busy Mom

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk: because you are a busy mom doesn’t mean that you don’t have career aspirations. It can be difficult to juggle family obligations when you want to start your own business, but it is possible to be both an entrepreneur and a mom. If you want to turn your dream of working for yourself into a reality, use these four tips from Motivation Thoughts to become a successful business owner as a busy mom.


Decide On a Business Model

Your business model dictates everything about your company. You should carefully choose the legal structure that will most benefit your goals. You can run a social media side gig or open a retail store. You could open a business matching virtual assistance to companies that need administrative help, or you can start an accounting company. The opportunities are endless, but it is important to dictate what you want to do and how you plan to accomplish it. This will determine whether you need to form a limited liability corporation or a doing business as a company.


Write a Business Plan

You don’t necessarily need a business plan to run a successful company, but one study shows that having this type of document increases your chances of success by 30%. A well-written business plan is your blueprint for growth. It identifies your vision for the business and helps you define concrete goals that will allow you to build your company. Drafting a business plan can help you define your brand voice so that you stay true to your vision as your business grows. A good plan details:

  • Your company’s structure
  • How you sell products and services
  • How you’ll secure funding

Your business plan should also mention how you plan to market your company. One way to do this is to shoot good product photos. You can easily remove the background from images to customize them.

Create a Schedule

When you work from home, it is sometimes difficult to maintain a good work/life balance. While you are working, you may be thinking of all of the chores and activities you are missing out on. While you are spending time with your kids, you may be focusing on work tasks on your to-do list. Achieving a good work/life balance can be difficult, but it can help to create a schedule. Try time blocking to see how many work tasks you can complete while your kids are at school so that you can spend time with them in the afternoons when they get home. You can also set timers that allow you to complete small work tasks within an allotted amount of time before spending time with your kids.

Learn What Works for Your Needs

It’s hard to work from home when you have kids. It can be especially challenging when you have toddlers who have not yet started school. You need to find a way to work around your kids’ schedules so that you can run your business smoothly. You may not be able to hold traditional work hours, so find what works best for you. You may do most of your work at night while the kids are sleeping. You may also need to hire a nanny to give you a few hours each day to focus on your work. Find a solution that allows you to care for both your family needs and work obligations.

Being both a mom and a business owner is challenging. You must find the business model that works best for your unique needs. If you use these four tips, you can launch a successful business as a busy stay-at-home mom.


Image via Pexels

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